In between dance recitals, cookie baking, two birthdays, and school events, I am attempting to read one chapter of Proverbs each day in December. As of today, I’m two days behind. At this rate, I will finish by the end of January.
While reading the first chapter I was moved by the word choices to describe wisdom. Wisdom “raises her voice” and “cries out” for us to listen. “Out in the open wisdom calls aloud.” As with most people these days, I’m caught up in the news cycles and articles shouting to get my attention. Trying to sift through all the conversations that beckon me to read, listen, hear. It can become overwhelming and frustrating.
Chapter one reminds me that wisdom from the world is flawed. Every side has an angle and their own perspective. An idea can shift to suit the audience or culture where it lives. Multi-sided arguments fight to be heard the loudest and get the seat of honor of being right. Proverbs one not only reminds me that I need to focus on the source of wisdom, but also that true wisdom is calling out to me. Proverbs has been sharing the same words of wisdom for over two thousand years. That is one heck of a track record! So while I might be behind on my daily reading goals, I am not passing up the opportunity to sit at the city gate and listen as wisdom “pours out” her thoughts for me.
(Inspired by Proverbs 1)
Wisdom cries out! Beckoning us near.
She shouts to us from on high, but do we hear?
Ancient Proverbs inscribed, instructing our ways.
A lamp which lights our path for all of our days.
She pleads with us, repent, all things I will make known.
Come sit at my feet and let me teach my own.
For those who are fools shall reject this gift.
Their ways are aimless; Folly leading them adrift.
Take heed those who will listen, be steadfast and on guard.
Do not follow the complacent, nor the wayward crowd.
Their feet rush to evil; Their gains are ill-gotten.
For their wayward schemes shall not be forgotten.
Wisdom is shared through discerning riddles of the wise.
Come sit at the gate and let her open your eyes.
There, garland shall adorn your head and your neck.
Wisdom calls us to seek. She will answer our knock.
She offers us safety and ease and freedom from fear.
She’ll pour out her thoughts and draw us near.
Instruction, guidance, understanding, and insight.
Wisdom teaches that which is fair, and just, and right.
While fools despise wisdom and refuse instruction.
The wise know the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
I am prone to stray and tarry; My flesh enticed by the world.
Wisdom, please guide me in the ways of the Lord.
Amy Denson